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Michel Vorm şi-a anunţat retragerea din fotbal! A câştigat medalia de bronz cu Olanda la Campionatul Mondial 2014

Michel Vorm şi-a anunţat retragerea din fotbal! A câştigat medalia de bronz cu Olanda la Campionatul Mondial 2014

Michel Vorm, fostul internaţional olandez, şi-a anunţat retragerea din fotbal la 37 de ani. El era fără echipă după despărţirea de Tottenham, din această vară.

Fostul portar a făcut anunţul pe contul personal de Instagram: "Am decis să mă retrag din a mai juca fotbal profesionist. Vă mulţumesc pentru acest capitol", a fost începutului mesajului publicat de Vorm, care le-a mulţumit echipelor la care a jucat, colegilor, antrenorilor, fanilor şi familiei sale. 


Dear football and fans, I decided to retire from playing professional football. I couldn’t possibly imagine as a little kid growing up in Nieuwegein that it was possible to sign my first professional contract at @fc_utrecht , made my professional debut at @fcdenbosch (on loan) and coming back to FC Utrecht to win the play-offs and playing European football. And if that wasn’t enough, I got the opportunity to play in the Premier League for @swansofficial (and be part of their history by winning their first ever point in the Premier League). Playing with- and against the best players around me gave me the opportunity to keep developing myself and sign for @spursofficial and made me be able to be part of their history and especially the (incredible) road to the Champions League final. I am thankful to play for all these clubs and honoured that I was able to represent my country on international tournaments. Being part of such great history of my country is something I am truly grateful for as well. A gold medal at the U21 European Championship with @officialknvb , a silver medal during the World Cup 2010 and a bronze medal at the World Cup 2014… and played on that last World Cup ;) Along this journey I played (and trained) with the best of the best players and coaches in the world. Besides the talent of players and coaches, I also had the privilege to know the person behind them. To each of one of you: Thank you!! Thank you for the joy of playing, the (life) lessons, support, trust and achieving the goals together. To the fans: Thank you! Keep supporting, even though we live in a time that it becomes difficult to support the club and that it has to be done on a distance, but no matter the distance trust me that as a player you fans give us the energy to make the impossible, possible. To my family; 
Dad, mom, my brothers and sisters I want to thank you for your support during this journey, without you this wasn’t possible.
And of course, Daisy and the kids. You were there during the good and bad times. Nothing but LOVE for that . 
 Thank you for this chapter.

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Vorm a fost crescut de FC Utrecht, dar a debutat la Den Bosch, fiind împrumutat. În 2011 a ajuns în Anglia, fiind transferat de Swansea, iar din 2014 a fost legitimat la Tottenham, cu o mică pauză în 2019, de câteva luni. 

Pentru naţionala Olandei a adunat 15 selecţii. A fost campion european la sub 21 de ani şi a jucat la Campionatul Mondial din 2014, acolo unde Olanda a câştigat medalia de bronz, după ce a învins gazda Brazilia, în finala mică. 

Afla mai multe despre: michel vorm 

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